Heeeelllooooo to everyone who visits my blog!! Today I will provide one youtube channel “Oppa Kaoli”

Oppa Kaoli is a program hosted by two Korean, Jinki and Seungbum which have an experienced living in Thailand before. It was invented by one of the hosts, Jinki.

Jinki and Seungbum doing their signature sign

The clip that made they famous is the clip about the Thai pronunciation competition which I provide below

It is fun isn’t it? hahahahhahaaaaa

That video went so viral, it have been shared so widely. My friend also shared it to me, and that is how I know this program “Oppa Kaoli”

After they became somehow notable, several Thai TV channel invited them for an interviewed. Such a far step isn’t it?

I enjoy watching their show very much and I subscribed their channel. They are very nice and I like the way they try to speak Thai. This program makes me know what Korean people think about Thailand, and they also spreading Thai culture to their own country too! I some episode, they will randomly ask questions to people who walked pass to them about Thai. And here comes another viral video clips 🙂

They have their facebook fan page, Instagram and twitter account  so that  people can keep in touch with them. Here a link for you
Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/oppakkaoli
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oppakaoli



Korean fried chicken in Bangkok you should try!

Yesterday was my friend birthday Yahhh!! We had a little meal together to celebrate her birthday at Kyocheon, a Korean fried chicken shop which have branches around Bangkok. After I came back home, I just wonder if there are other Korean fried chicken shop in Bangkok? And here I provide you Four Korean fried chicken shops you should have a try!!


  1. Mono+Mono
    It may sound a bit strange, but this shop comes from Newyork! This shop is decorated with American style. The signature dish of this shop is fried chicken with soy garlic and hot sauce. The recommended menu is the M+M Chicken Set (375 Baht). It is a big chicken set with 14 fried wings with french fries and side dishes.This shop located on 24 Avenue 88/1  Sukhumvit 24
    Tel: 02-261-7950, 093-226-2259mo7_0


2. Red Sun
This shop won the prize for Tteokbokki at SBS, but they do not sell the only tteokbokki, fried chicken are also available in this shop! Most of the customers that come to Red Sun are teens and university students because it located in the center of Bangkok, Siam! A recommended menu for fried chicken in this shop is a Kimchi Chicken Shaky (130 Baht). They cut chickens into pieces, marinated it then fried it until crispy, then mix with kimchi seasoning.

This shop located next to Chulalongkorn University Book Center.Very easy to find isn’t it?
Tel: 02-252-1395red4_0


3. Kimchi Hour
A Korean cuisine located in Aree. Although it is a small shop, they have a lot of customers in which this shop always full. This shop decorated with lots of Korea pictures. The owner went to learn how to make Korean fried chicken at Korea!! There are three recipes for you to choose whether you want an original, soy garlic or hot spicy. There are three sizes for you to choose, small (79 Baht), medium (169 Baht) and large (209 Baht).

This shop located between Soi Aree Sampan 5 and 6.
Tel: 02-619-5196


4. Bonchon
If Thais talk about Korean fried chicken shop, Bonchon will be the first shop that pop up in our mind!! Yes!! this is the most famous Korean fried chicken shop in Thailand!!!! In order to eat at this shop, you have to Que up for an hour!! Because everyone loves Bonchon 🙂 The special thing of this shop is the skin of the chicken is very crispy and the sauce is very full-favoured.

This shop has many branches, but the branches that I think it is easy to find are located in Siam Center 4th floor and Silom Complex G floor.1359764584

And this is all the shops I provide for you, you can choose whatever you like! But If you still want to eat the same shop as me (Kyochon Chicken), you can find this shop at Digital gateway! But in my opinion, Kyochon in Korea is more more delicious than in Thailand (and in Shanghai too!!).


And yeah!! Happy Birthday to my friend “Jean”!!! Wish you all the best!



What the Valentine!!?!

Happy Valentine day everyone!! Yes, I say happy valentine day. For Korea, every 14th of each month is a valentine day! OK, it isn’t really the valentine day but it is like a checkpoint day of each month for couples to do activities together to enhance their relationship and its a day for single people to drink, party and spend time with those activities that do not need a couple to do together.


14th January

“Diary Day” It is the first valentine day of the year. Couples will exchange their plain diary or daily planner to plan their schedule together and record their lover’s favorite things, birthday and their personal information.


14th February

“Valentine Day” No need to explain much about this day because every country also has this day. In this Valentine, Day girls will use it to confess their feeling to boys they like by giving them a chocolate. For Korea, people prefer to give chocolates than flowers.


14th March

“White Day” For this day, it is a day boys give the answer to the girls who confess to them and they want to start a relationship with that girl. Boys will also give a girl a chocolate. They may have a date together to celebrate their relationship.


14th April

“Black Day” THIS IS THE DAY I LIKE THE MOST!! Why? Because this day is for a single person like me!!!!! During this day, single people (like me) will wear a black dress and eat “Jajangmyeon” or a noodle with black sauce to declare themselves that they are single. It will be easy for boys to check whether girl they like is in a relationship or single. Maybe you may have a couple after this black day because your Jajangmyeon-eating steps, who knows. 😛


14th May

“Rose Day” and “Yellow Day” For today, if you are in a relationship it is a rose day for you. but for a single lady like me, it is a yellow day. For a rose day, Couples will give  flowers to their loved. And for the yellow day, a single people will wear the yellow shirt and eat curry.


14th June

“Kiss Day” Kiss!! That’s it!!

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14th July

“Silver Day” For this day, couples will buy their couple ring together. the silver ring is the sign of long love. That’s mean they will love each other for a long time.


14th August

“Green Day” For today, couples will hang out together in a natural place such as a garden or forest. But single people will drink Soju, which the color of soju’s bottle is green, during this day.



14th September

“Photo Day” and “Music Day” There are two activities for couples to do in this day. First they will take a photo together and exchange their favorite songs to each other. Some of them even sing a song for their lover.


14th October

“Wine Day” Yeahhh, It is a day couple celebrate their relationship by drinking red wine together.

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14th November

“Movie Day” Couple will watch a movie together in this day. Accidental today my mom and I have seen a movie together today. You see? We can be happy with or without boyfriend during each valentine day!! 🙂

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14th December

“Hug Day” Here come the last valentine day for Korean people, It’s a hug day!! Due to a cold winter during December, warm hug from lover is the best way to warm your body. Let’s HUG!!

IMG_2947 IMG_2948                                                                 Everyone loves HUG!!

Let’s get fat!!!!

Good evening everyone!! For today dinner have you decide what to eat yet? If not I will recommend one Korean restaurant for you, enjoy!!

Last week my friends and I went to have some Korean food in Futurepark Rangsit. After deciding where to eat, we end up with a Korean restaurant Yoogane. IMG_5296IMG_5319  IMG_5308

This restaurant is a franchise from Korea, and I have a chance to try it once when I was in Korea. We ordered special Tak-galbi adding ramyeon and cheese, We also ordered Tteokbokki as an appetizer. Tak-galbi is a mix fried rice and chicken with a special sauce from Korea. The chef is a well-trained cook. They were trained in Korea. My favorite dish is Tteokbokki, it is a hot and spicy rice cake.

While waiting for Tak-galbi to come, there is a side dishes corner for customers. The good thing is .. it is a buffet!! a BUFFET sidedishes, yehhhhhh


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However, because I don’t like vegetables that much, I eat only Kimchi. While one of my friends Pangpond enjoys his buffet especially the salad, he ate 4 plates of salad!!

IMG_5321 IMG_5312 IMG_5290                                                 Pangpond will be a good presenter of SALAD!!

Then my favorite dish came!! Tteokbokki!!!!!!!!! We ate it very fast. While I took a picture, my friends ate it like a hurricane. Moral of the story, Don’t take pictures while your friends are hungry.


                       IMG_5313                    IMG_5297                                 Bam and I with TTEOKBOKI!!

After waiting for a while, here come the main dish!!! Tak-galbi yehhhhh. Normally staff will serve the plain Tak-galbi then they will cook in front of us, but I think because the size is too big, staff served the well-cooked for us.


The first thought that came into my mind at that time is how could us finish it all? It is toooooooooo big!!!! In my opinion, ramyeon is more delicious than fried rice.

Cartoon and her talented. Mix the food!!!!

Then it’s time to eat!!!!
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As I said, don’t take any picture while your friends are hungry, you might miss your food LOL

In the end, we could finish the whole pan yeahhhh.


The cost of this meal is around 900 baht, or 150 baht individually. So I think it is not too expensive for me. If you have a chance, Try it out!!!

And this is all of my updates today, please make sure you eat well and see you in the next entry!!
