Let’s get fat!!!!

Good evening everyone!! For today dinner have you decide what to eat yet? If not I will recommend one Korean restaurant for you, enjoy!!

Last week my friends and I went to have some Korean food in Futurepark Rangsit. After deciding where to eat, we end up with a Korean restaurant Yoogane. IMG_5296IMG_5319  IMG_5308

This restaurant is a franchise from Korea, and I have a chance to try it once when I was in Korea. We ordered special Tak-galbi adding ramyeon and cheese, We also ordered Tteokbokki as an appetizer. Tak-galbi is a mix fried rice and chicken with a special sauce from Korea. The chef is a well-trained cook. They were trained in Korea. My favorite dish is Tteokbokki, it is a hot and spicy rice cake.

While waiting for Tak-galbi to come, there is a side dishes corner for customers. The good thing is .. it is a buffet!! a BUFFET sidedishes, yehhhhhh


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However, because I don’t like vegetables that much, I eat only Kimchi. While one of my friends Pangpond enjoys his buffet especially the salad, he ate 4 plates of salad!!

IMG_5321 IMG_5312 IMG_5290                                                 Pangpond will be a good presenter of SALAD!!

Then my favorite dish came!! Tteokbokki!!!!!!!!! We ate it very fast. While I took a picture, my friends ate it like a hurricane. Moral of the story, Don’t take pictures while your friends are hungry.


                       IMG_5313                    IMG_5297                                 Bam and I with TTEOKBOKI!!

After waiting for a while, here come the main dish!!! Tak-galbi yehhhhh. Normally staff will serve the plain Tak-galbi then they will cook in front of us, but I think because the size is too big, staff served the well-cooked for us.


The first thought that came into my mind at that time is how could us finish it all? It is toooooooooo big!!!! In my opinion, ramyeon is more delicious than fried rice.

Cartoon and her talented. Mix the food!!!!

Then it’s time to eat!!!!
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As I said, don’t take any picture while your friends are hungry, you might miss your food LOL

In the end, we could finish the whole pan yeahhhh.


The cost of this meal is around 900 baht, or 150 baht individually. So I think it is not too expensive for me. If you have a chance, Try it out!!!

And this is all of my updates today, please make sure you eat well and see you in the next entry!!


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